15th Southern Forestry and Natural Resource 

Management GIS Conference

Athens, Georgia

December 8-9, 2025


Download the full 1996 Proceedings

Arthaud, G.J., and R.R. Chowdhury. Factors affecting forest land use change in Macon County, North Carolina

Avila, R.A., et. al. Spatial variation in conifer foliar nutrient concentrations

Baker, R.D., and D. Decker. Creating statewide digital base map: the Texas Orthoimagery Program (TOP)

Barker, G.R. 1, 2, 3 GIS! Are you ready?

Barker, G.M. III. Wildfire and Permit Tracking System (WAPTS)

Barker, K.R. Urban Forestry Inventory System (UFIS); A companion end user interface to complex GIS analyses

Blackard, J.A., and D.J. Dean. Evaluating integrated artificial neural network and GIS techniques for predicting likely vegetative cover types

Campbell, J., et. al. Fire growth modeling in an integrated GIS environment

Clark, R.L. An overview of developments in precision farming systems

Davis, L.S., and D.P. Angelides. Spatial analysis for strategic forest planning: Two large scale California instustrial applications using the VESTRA EP(x)TM

Dean, D.J. Finding minimum-cost routes for access roads to single and multiple harvest sites

Dean, D.J. Timber harvest scheduling using linked GIS and operations research techniques: Current status and future developments

Dean, D.J., and D.B. Pool. Optimizing wildfire mitigation efforts using risk-based GIS

Eberly, C.W., and G.J. Arthaud. Effect of corridor width on breeding bird communities in southern bottomland hardwood forests

Erickson, L. Cartography for forest management

Fehringer, J., et. al. Regional geographic database development supporting the Southern Appalachian Assessment

Frye, C. Real-time digital forestry data for mobile computing

Gardiner, E., and G.J. Arthaud. Spatial variability assessment of the USDA Forest Service FIA data

Green, K., et. al. Automated change detection using remotely sensed data

Harvey, W., and D.J. Dean. Computer aided visualization of proposed road networks using GIS and neural networks

Hepp, T.E. An overview of TVA StandFinder

Landrum, V., et. al. Timber harvest scheduling with adjacency constraints: Using Arc/Info to make FORPLAN realistic

Lau, J.A. The integration of visualisation, spatial, and operation research techniques into a single forest planning system

Lipscomb, D.J., and T.M. Williams. A technique for using PC-Arc/Info GIS to determine red cockaded woodpecker foraging areas on private lands

Liu, R., and J.A. Scrivani. An integration of GIS and Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data for forest land use assessment in Virginia

Lizarraga, A.C., and D.J. Dean. Predicting and modeling aesthetic quality of forests as a function of distances from clearcuts

Keefer, B.J., et. al. Integrating GIS with spatially constrained harvest scheduling

Malchano, M.D., and W.R. Hooten. Using a personal digital assistant as a forestry data recorder

McDill, M.E., et. al. Simulating timber supply by optimizing forest management and product transportation with DTRAN and GISTRAN

McNulty, S.G., and W.T. Swank. The use of modeling and GIS in forest ecosystem management: Two case studies

Mitchell, J.T., and H.A. Devine. GIS as the basis of an urban vegetation managment plan

Murray, S., et. al. A spatial event system for a forest resource GIS

Neihardt, C.L., et. al. Watershed monitoring at the landscape level through subpixel image processing

Oderwald, R.G., and B.A. Boucher. Confidence intervals for acreage from GPS-based locations

Odom, R.H. Jr. Developing a forest land classification system from digital elevation models

Prisley, S.P. Positioning a forest industry GIS to meet the challenges of the 21st Century

Shaw, J.D. Using GIS to delineate interfluves as landscape management units in the North Carolina Sandhills

Strydom, H. The selection of permanent sample plots using an automated stratification procedure on a desktop GIS

Sun, G., et. al. GIS applications in studying environmental effects of forest harvesting

Unger, D.R., and J.J. Ulliman. Using Landsat Thematic Mapper thermal infrared data to map relative temperature zones within the University of Idaho Experimental Forest

Valavanis, V.D., et. al. A GIS user interface to multidisciplinary research data

van Blaricom, D., and F.T. Lloyd. Estimation of loblolly land cover by subpixel classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery

Weinstein, M., et. al. Designs for examining wild turkey/forest habitat relationships using GIS technology

White, T.H. Jr, et. al. Logging for bears: GIS-based black bear habitat management on commercial forest lands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley

Williams, T.M., and D.J. Lipscomb. Incorporating historical aerial photography into a rectified GIS forest inventory system