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Avila, R.A., et. al. Spatial variation in conifer foliar nutrient concentrations
Barker, G.R. 1, 2, 3 GIS! Are you ready?
Barker, G.M. III. Wildfire and Permit Tracking System (WAPTS)
Campbell, J., et. al. Fire growth modeling in an integrated GIS environment
Clark, R.L. An overview of developments in precision farming systems
Dean, D.J. Finding minimum-cost routes for access roads to single and multiple harvest sites
Dean, D.J., and D.B. Pool. Optimizing wildfire mitigation efforts using risk-based GIS
Erickson, L. Cartography for forest management
Frye, C. Real-time digital forestry data for mobile computing
Gardiner, E., and G.J. Arthaud. Spatial variability assessment of the USDA Forest Service FIA data
Green, K., et. al. Automated change detection using remotely sensed data
Hepp, T.E. An overview of TVA StandFinder
Keefer, B.J., et. al. Integrating GIS with spatially constrained harvest scheduling
Malchano, M.D., and W.R. Hooten. Using a personal digital assistant as a forestry data recorder
Mitchell, J.T., and H.A. Devine. GIS as the basis of an urban vegetation managment plan
Murray, S., et. al. A spatial event system for a forest resource GIS
Oderwald, R.G., and B.A. Boucher. Confidence intervals for acreage from GPS-based locations
Odom, R.H. Jr. Developing a forest land classification system from digital elevation models
Prisley, S.P. Positioning a forest industry GIS to meet the challenges of the 21st Century
Sun, G., et. al. GIS applications in studying environmental effects of forest harvesting
Valavanis, V.D., et. al. A GIS user interface to multidisciplinary research data